One thing that often slips dog owners minds’ is that their pup, just like a human baby, goes through a teething process as they grow older.
This is a natural part of your puppies life and it’s important that it goes as smoothly as possible.
Many dog owners start to worry as they don’t know when they should expect their pup’s baby teeth to start falling out.
So we are going to clear it up, in this post we look at when do whippet puppies lose their teeth?
To help you better understand this natural process and put your worry to rest.
Let’s get to it…
What Is Puppy Teething?
If you’re lucky enough to be a parent, then you’ve likely experienced teething in your baby.
Puppy teething is exactly the same and is a process when your puppy starts to lose his baby teeth and grow in his big dog teeth.
As you can imagine, this process can be quite painful, so it’s important you comfort him during this time and do everything in your power to make the process as painless as possible.
Your puppy may start to display some strange behaviour when this happens, they are known to start chewing doors, shoes and just about anything they can get their paws on.
Once your puppy goes through this teething process, he’ll now have his fully grown adult teeth which will be with him for the rest of his lifetime.
It’s important you look after his teeth as best you can, especially as he’s a whippet, as these dogs are known to have dental issues as they grow older.
When Does A Whippet Puppies Baby Teeth Start To Come In?
So when does your furry friend get his first baby teeth? Well, these usually come in very quick at around the age of two-five weeks old.
Just like when you whippets adult teeth start coming in, this can also be a painful process for your whippet.
So be sure to give enough physical exercise and mental stimulation so his mind stays occupied.
There are a couple of signs to look out for that indicate your whippets baby teeth are coming in:
- Blood on his dog toys
- Drooling excessively
- Chewing on just about everything in sight
- Extra needy
It’s important that you try to keep your puppy’s mind off the teething process as much as possible.
A good way I do this with my puppies is to give them some teething dog toys, this will be soothing for their teeth and gums and stops him from shredding your favourite pair of shoes into pieces.
This process can last a couple of weeks, so try to be as patient as you can with your puppy and don’t punish him for shredding your kid’s homework, he can’t help it and needs to vent off some steam by chewing.
When Do Whippet Puppies Lose Their Baby Teeth?
Now that you know when your whippet puppies baby teeth start to come in, you’ll want to know when they come out too.
Your whippet should start to lose his baby teeth at around 4-months old, at this point he should have a total of 28 baby teeth which are all ripe, ready to fall out naturally and allow space for his new adult teeth.
It’s a good idea to gently check the inside of your whippet’s mouth and count the number of teeth he has to ensure he’s healthy and doesn’t have any more or less than 28.
If he does, then it’s wise to take your whippet to a veterinarian as this could cause complications in his adult life.
What To Do When Your Whippet Puppy Is Not Losing Teeth On Time?
If you notice that your whippet puppy is not losing his teeth on time, then the first step you should take is to visit your veterinarian.
The vet will help you identify any underlying health issues or reasons why your puppy is not losing his teeth on time.
More often than not, it’s because he’s a late bloomer and it’s nothing to worry about.
However, if your puppy’s adult teeth start coming in before his baby teeth have fallen out, this can cause pain and mean he has two teeth where there should only be one.

If this is the case, a veterinarian will need to manually extract your pup’s baby tooth to make room for his adult tooth, this isn’t a painful process and will be the best course of action if you want your whippet to have healthy teeth in the future.
Don’t worry too much if your puppy is not losing his teeth on time, it’s almost always mother nature taking her time in pushing the baby teeth out.
Give it a couple more weeks and keep a closer eye on your pup’s teeth, also be mindful that if his adult teeth start growing side-by-side or behind the baby tooth then this can force the baby tooth out and be a good thing.
If in doubt, always speak with a veterinarian as these are trained professionals who are able to help keep you and your whippet pup on the right tracks.
How To Keep Your Whippets Teeth Nice And Healthy
Once your whippet pup’s baby teeth are out, and his adult teeth are in – it’s time to learn how to take care of his new teeth and ensure they’re nice and healthy for the rest of his life.
There is no third set of teeth to fall back on, and whippets are known to have dental issues if their teeth are not taken care of, so it’s essential to do what you can do to keep your puppy’s teeth healthy.
Here are some of the best ways to keep your whippet’s teeth nice and healthy:
Believe it or not, but brushing your dog’s teeth is actually a great way of taking care of them, just like us humans.
Investing in a doggy toothbrush is a great way to keep your whippet’s teeth nice and clean, and starting when he’s a pup is the best time as you can implement this cleaning process in his routine so he gets used to it and does not resent the toothbrush.
When your whippet gets used to the idea, brushing your pup’s teeth on a weekly basis is the best way to keep his teeth super clean, try making it a fun exercise for him by using different kinds of toothpaste.
Professional teeth cleaning
If your whippet isn’t too keen on the toothbrush idea, then taking him to a veterinarian to get his teeth professionally cleaned is a great idea.
This doesn’t need to be done every week, and once every 6-months is perfect for keeping your whippet’s teeth plaque-free and nice and healthy.
Dog dental wipes
Another great way to keep your whippet’s teeth clean is to use dog dental wipes.
These are made to be rubbed up against your dog’s teeth to remove plaque and tartar, and they work really well, especially dog dogs that don’t like the vets or the toothbrush.
We all know how dramatic whippets can be, so using dental wipes is an effective way to keep your whippet’s teeth healthy without causing him any anxiety.
Dental sticks
Dogs love treats, so why not choose treats that can help keep your whippet’s teeth clean as well as a reward.
Giving your whippet dental sticks will help contribute to your dog’s dental hygiene, as these sticks’ main ingredient is Sodium Tripolyphosphate, a chemical that breaks down plaque and tartar.
Dog food
Taking a closer look at the food your feeding your dog is probably the most important step in keeping your dog’s teeth clean if you’re feeding your pup on low-quality food that has a lot of nasties in then you’re not doing your whippet any favours when it comes to dental health.
Opting for a dog food that is nutritious, high in protein and contributes to your whippet’s dental hygiene is a great idea.
Final Thoughts
Puppies losing their teeth can be a sad time for us dog owners, it’s a sign that their puppy is growing old and starting to grow into adulthood.
However, this isn’t all bad, as our dogs start to mature they become easier to train, incredibly affectionate and just as amazing as when they were pups.
It’s important to look after your dog’s teeth just as you look after your own, there’s nothing worse than a young whippet that has bad breath or teeth full of plaque because their owner hasn’t looked after them correctly.
Prevention is much better than cure, so if you take into account some of the steps above to stay on top of your whippet dental hygiene then I’m sure it’ll be smiles all-round.
Hopefully, you’ve learned a thing or two about dog hygiene in this post, and now know how to look after your dog’s teeth a little better and keep them as clean and healthy as possible.
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Hello. I’m Luke- the founder of WhippetCentral. I’m somewhat of a whippet nut and have been for most of my life. In that time, I’ve owned and raised numerous whippets. Bonnie is my latest girl; she is currently eight years old and keeps me very busy! Understanding the need for whippet-specific content, I decided to create this blog to share what I have learned and to share my expertise regarding owning and raising whippets – the right way!