If you’re searching for a new whippet, then chances are you’ve come across the beautiful fawn whippet. These dogs are some of the most stunning types of whippet you’ll ever find.
In this post, we are going to go through everything you need to know about the fawn whippet, to help you determine whether this is the right type of whippet for you.
We look at how to identify a fawn whippet, how much fawn whippets cost, and much more. Read on to learn everything there is to know about these beautiful dogs.
What Is A Fawn Whippet?
So what exactly is a fawn whippet? Well, the fawn whippet is actually not much different from a regular whippet. The only difference being the colour of its fur.
A fawn whippet is a cream/beige colour, making it one of the most attractive types of whippet on the market, along with the rare blue whippet.
It’s a light brown colour that looks amazing on whippets, but beware, fawn whippets will require more maintenance when it comes to grooming as their coat can get dirty easily.
Fawn whippets have been around since the late 18th century, nicknamed the “poor man’s racehorse”, they were used for hunting, coursing, and racing among the working class in Britain.
Are Fawn Whippets Rare?
If you’re looking for a fawn whippet, you’ll be glad to know that they are quite common. Unlike the blue, white, and dun whippet which are incredibly rare and hard to come by.
Fawn whippets usually don’t have much of a waiting list from breeders, however, this largely depends on the demand at the time for these dogs.
Some fawn whippets will have markings on them, which makes them slightly more common than fawn whippets that don’t have any markings.
If you do find a fawn whippet that you believe is right for you, make sure you are provided with a complete background check from the breeder to ensure the dog is fit and healthy.
How Much Do Fawn Whippets Cost?
Fawn whippets usually don’t cost you much more than any other common coloured whippet would. That being said, if the dog is from a racing or working heritage you could be looking at a premium rate for these dogs.
Presuming that the whippet is not from a racing or working background, below are the average prices for fawn whippets.
Fawn Whippet Puppies
The typical fawn whippet puppy that is not from a racing or working background will likely cost between £600 – £1000.
You’ll also need to factor in other expenses such as dog food, pet insurance, dog beds, and more to ensure your whippet is happy whilst in your home.
Although maintenance costs for whippets are typically quite low, often first-time buyers don’t take other expenses into account and can be shocked at the cost of quality home comforts.
Adult Fawn Whippets
If you’re considering purchasing an adult fawn whippet instead of a puppy, the price is usually significantly less. The price of an adult fawn whippet is typically between £300 – £500.
The reason being is that the demand for adult whippets is a lot less, they are usually easier to train than puppies making them perfect for first-time dog owners.
Rescue Fawn Whippets
If you’re on a tight budget, or maybe you want to save a whippet’s life, then looking at rescuing a whippet could be the best option for you.
If you’re not looking for a whippet puppy and instead would like a mature whippet, I would always recommend checking out your local whippet rescue to see if they have any whippets you are interested in.
Sadly there are lots of whippets that get abandoned and placed into shelters and rescues, these dogs are desperate for a new, loving owner that will take care of them.
In return, you’ll have a whippet that is forever grateful, easier to train, and at a much cheaper cost than a whippet puppy.
Fawn whippets are regularly seen in whippet rescues across the country, so it’s worth taking the time to give them a quick call to see if there is anything that suits your requirements.
How To Identify A Fawn Whippet
Identifying a fawn whippet isn’t tricky and can usually be done in an instant by simply visually looking at the dog.
On average, the typical whippet is around 19 – 22 inches TTS (to the shoulder) and weighs around 31 pounds. These dogs are known to be small, so you’ll often be able to spot a whippet by how small they are.
Not to be confused with the Italian Greyhound, another small breed that looks similar to the whippet, but they are even smaller at around 13 – 15 inches TTS.
As mentioned above, fawn whippets have a unique light-brown colour which makes them distinguishable from other types of whippet.
They will usually have white markings on their body too, sometimes on their feet, around their nose and eyes, or on their chest.
Do Fawn Whippets Get Along With Other Pets?
When deciding if a fawn whippet is right for you, it’s important to understand if these dogs get along with other pets that you may have.
In my experience, it’s very rare that you’ll find a whippet that doesn’t get along with other dogs. Whippets are sociable animals that enjoy the presence of other dogs.
However, one thing to consider when thinking about bringing a fawn whippet into your home is that they usually have a strong prey drive.
Whippets have been used as racing and working dogs for hundreds of years. Their prey drive is hard-wired into them and a natural instinct that is very hard to control as a whippet owner.
This means that they’ll chase animals that look like prey, such as rabbits, rats, cats, and other small animals that run away from them.
For this reason, I would not advise bringing an adult whippet into your home if you’re the owner of any of the above animals, as this could be a recipe for disaster.
That being said, if you’re considering a fawn whippet puppy, it’s possible to introduce the animals together and ensure they live in harmony, but always be there to supervise and never leave these animals alone together.
It will require a lot of time and patience from your end to ensure your whippet and cats get along together, but it’s worth it in the end if you really want to own a whippet.
Other Considerations
Now that you know a little more about the fawn whippet than you did previously, there are some other aspects of owning this dog that you’ll need to consider.
Exercising A Fawn Whippet
Being a whippet owner is a big responsibility, and one of the daily needs of your dog will be frequent daily exercise.
A whippet requires around 40 – 60 minutes of physical exercise per day, whether that be walking, running, hiking, or other activities you may want to bring your whippet along for.
These are highly active dogs, and love to be in the outdoors. It’s important to keep your whippet on a leash when outdoors until he’s fully trained, as he may run after rabbits and other animals and be very hard to get back on the leash when he’s in hunting mode.
Whippets are also incredible jumpers, they can jump fences easily and are known to be able to leap up to 6-feet in the air.
For this reason, it’s wise if you live in a built-up area to have a high fence to stop your whippet escaping if he sees a cat in the street.
Grooming A Fawn Whippet
As you know now, fawn whippets have a light brown coat that makes them easy to identify in a crowd. However, this beautiful fawn coat does have some drawbacks.
One of those drawbacks is that your whippet will become dirty and covered in mud very quickly if they enjoy being outdoors and on walks.
This will be very obvious on a fawn whippet and require you to bathe and groom your dog more often than if they were a dun colour or black.
That being said, whippets are notorious for being clean animals. They will jump over, avoid and swerve out the way of puddles, mud and other mucky environments like their life depends on it.
Most whippets don’t enjoy swimming too much either, so they’ll rarely be in the water and if they do it’ll likely only be their feet.
Most whippets require grooming 1 – 2 times per month, but if you’ve got a fawn whippet living indoors then this may need to be once a week.
Living With A Fawn Whippet
Whippets are very much indoor dogs, they love nothing more than being snuggled up on the sofa with their owner stealing popcorn and snacks whilst you watch Netflix.
They have short fur which doesn’t offer much protection from the cold or rain, especially in the winter months.
Whippets will need a warm dog coat and a dog blanket or two to keep them warm whilst on walks and at home.
A great perk about being a whippet owner is that because these dogs are small, they are perfect for living in small homes or apartments.
They rarely bark, so you don’t need to worry about noise complaints from the neighbours, but don’t count on them as guard dogs as they are softies.
Whippets With Children
Another great perk about whippets being indoor dogs is that they get along great with children.
They love to play and will build a great bond with your children, keeping each other company for years and being by one another’s side all of the time.
Not only that, but whippets are one of the fastest dogs on the planet, they are capable of running at speeds of up to 35mph.
This is perfect for when they go for walks together as they will quickly tire each other out by running around and playing.
That being said, whippets are known to be quite fragile dogs, they have a lightweight frame and if your child does not know how to treat a dog could become injured.
It’s important to train your whippet, but also educate your children on how to live with a whippet, no tail pulling or sitting on your whippet, and no poking eyes are all good starting points.
As a whole, whippets are some of the best dogs if you have young children, they get along great together and are perfect for keeping each other fit.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, you’ve learned a thing or two about fawn whippets in this post. These are some of the most beautiful, loving dogs on the planet that are excellent family pets.
Fawn whippets have a lovely light brown colour which makes them easy to identify in a crowd. Remember, if you’re looking for an adult whippet to check our out local whippet rescue first.
You’ll not only save money but benefit from a dog that is easier to train and do a fantastic deed in saving a whippet’s life.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post, feel free to stick around and learn more about whippets!
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Hello. I’m Luke- the founder of WhippetCentral. I’m somewhat of a whippet nut and have been for most of my life. In that time, I’ve owned and raised numerous whippets. Bonnie is my latest girl; she is currently eight years old and keeps me very busy! Understanding the need for whippet-specific content, I decided to create this blog to share what I have learned and to share my expertise regarding owning and raising whippets – the right way!