Getting a whippet puppy into your home and ensuring he settles in more quickly is one of the most relieving things for many dog owners. But at some point, puppies usually develop certain habits that need immediate concern and action, for example, aggressiveness and gnawing at people.
One of the most bothering habits you’d want your little less furry buddy to stop is biting, which is common to puppies of almost all dog breeds. Puppy biting, nipping, and mouthing can be intensely frustrating to people. Still, to dogs, it’s like a form of social interaction with their owners/family members, and they rarely do it with violence or malice.
However, whether your puppy bites with good intentions or not, it’s crucial that you stop him. This article aims at guiding you on how to stop your whippet puppy biting and other important mouthing tips for whippets.

Do You Want To Learn How To Train Your Whippet Puppy To Stop Biting?
I would strongly recommend you check out the eBook by Jeremy over at
This is the resource I personally used and learned a lot from.
How Much Do Whippet Puppies Bite?
Puppies are just like little children; they like putting everything they find in their mouths. Most puppies bite from 2-6 months old, but the habit can prolong for even a year if you don’t do anything about it.
Puppies start to get their adult teeth when they’re about 4-6 months of age, which is why they bite a lot during their teething stage. In some cases, adult dogs can bite too, for example, when someone attacks them.
Whichever the case, it’s best to know how to stop a whippet puppy biting earlier because it might turn out to be a habit, something you don’t want to tolerate.
Why Do Whippet Puppies Bite?
There are several reasons why pups bite; they can be normal or abnormal, whichever the case, but you should address all of them using the best approach possible. Some of the reasons why puppies bite include;
- Teething- Just as humans, dogs experience discomfort and pain during the teething. This process usually lasts for about 2-3 months.
- Trying to get attention- Some dogs bite their owners to get attention, which is why you should be very careful when handling your pup’s biting behaviour. If he gets attention every moment he bites you, how will he stop?
Sometimes dogs don’t even mind negative attention, especially if they don’t get much of it frequently. Therefore, if you notice your puppy only bites you for attention, don’t encourage him.
- Whippets are racing and hunting dogs by nature. Chasing and nipping things is in their blood, and their young ones often get the most brunt of this trait.
- When playing- Puppies explore and play a lot with their mouths. They usually use their teeth to start a play and show attention to their siblings and owners.
How To Stop Your Whippet Puppy Biting
Some whippet puppy owners usually ignore when their little canine friends bite them, thinking they’re only playing. Tolerating such behaviour in a pooch is dangerous to you, your siblings, and strangers, and it risks your pup developing a habit you might not easily stop when he’s fully grown.
If you’re thinking of using physical punishment, don’t. It’ll only make the situation worse. I know you must have heard a lot of crazy ideas like muzzling and squeezing your whippet pup’s mouth, but they aren’t the best approaches to use to curb biting; they’ll only make your puppy more aggressive and fearful.
Here are some tips on how to stop your whippet puppy biting:
Re-directing The Bite
Mouthing and biting is a common trait in dogs, especially the young ones. The best way to respond to this behaviour is by not giving the puppy any attention whatsoever. It’s best always to have a toy or something your puppy can bite immediately you notice your puppy has started biting.
If he tries to bite you, immediately re-direct him by giving him something to chew or his best toy so that he doesn’t go for your hand or leg. If your puppy doesn’t love toys, you can use treats. Whippets are affectionate and sensitive; therefore, treats should also work perfectly.
Examples of such threats are raw bones, a pig’s ear, or rawhides.
Social Withdrawal
Another effective way of how to stop your whippet puppy biting is through social withdrawal. If you’re playing with your whippet puppy and bites you, you should terminate the game and leave the room for a while without causing any drama.
If you return and he continues with the same habit, stop the game and leave again. If you do this consistently, your short fur buddy will start associating an end of a sweet game with his nipping behaviour, something most dogs don’t love.
You must wonder how this approach helps, especially with all the gentleness and cuddling whippets love. Taking your time to punish your puppy shows him how much attention he can get by biting you. Leaving and ignoring him means that he won’t get any more fun and attention.
It’s crucial that you praise and give him attention more when he behaves well. This approach is practical because;
- Dogs stop unreinforced behaviours.
- Your dog will know to entertain himself. When he notices that nipping doesn’t give them any fun, he’ll re-direct himself to other fun stuff.
- Your pup will find other proper ways to attract attention, such as heeding commands like sitting and lying down.
Take Them To Play With Other Puppies
The sight of puppies playing together is breath-taking. When puppies play together, they play-fight a lot. This fighting also helps them to learn how to inhibit their biting.
During the first several weeks of a dog’s life, they usually know their bite’s strength while playing with their younger ones.
If your puppy didn’t get to spend much with other puppies during his first weeks, he’s more likely to bite you instead. In case your whippet puppy bites more frequently, you should allow him to spend more quality time with other canines.
One practical way your puppy can interact more with other canines is by taking him to a pup school to be taught proper doggy etiquette or going out with your friend who also has a puppy for a puppy playdate.
More Enrichment
Dogs aren’t much different from people; they need entertainment just like us. When they become bored continuously, they develop destructive behaviours like biting people and chewing stuff in the house.
It’s crucial that they feel enriched both mentally and physically to be healthy, comfortable, and happy.
Some of the ways on how to stop your whippet puppy biting by enrichment include;
- Spending more quality time with your little canine buddy.
- Use more treat puzzles to stimulate and enrich them or become less anxious
- Play scent games with your puppy in the backyard.
- Teach them more doggy tricks.
Seek Help From An Expert
If your whippet puppy can’t stop biting no matter what approach you use, you should seek assistance from a dog behaviourist expert.
Another easy tip on how to stop your whippet puppy biting is by understanding his behaviour first. Several dog service providers are offering short causes on the same.
In most cases, you will likely need an expert intervention when teaching their puppies to inhibit biting when they’re above 6 months old.
Minimize The Pounce And Bite
Most puppies have a playful behaviour of pouncing on their owner’s feet. It’s recommendable to minimize such pounces as the puppy will likely scratch or bite you.
You also put your puppy in his crate for some time to calm down and stop them from biting people. Once they calm down, you can release him to play out.
When you should be concerned about your puppy’s biting
In case you see any of the following biting signs in your whippet puppy, you should consult with a certified expert as soon as possible;
- When your pup growls, snaps, or bites people who dare to come near his resources, such as toys and food.
- If he stiffens and gazes at you before biting.
- If he growls at visitors or nips at them in an unplayful way.
- If he snaps or growls at kids
Other essential tips on how to stop your whippet puppy biting
Besides the tips mentioned above, you should consider other various factors to train your puppy to stop biting effectively. Some of these include;
- Reinforcing good behaviours only.
- Don’t hit or physically your puppy ever. If you find his biting to be more aggressive, talk to a dog trainer or your vet to advise you on the best way to curb that behaviour.
- Sometimes, your puppy can bite you because he needs a potty break, a nap, he’s tired, thirsty, or hungry. You calm him from biting by putting him in his resting spot/crate, giving them a potty break, food, or water.
- Ensure that your puppy eats at least three times daily
- Don’t shout at him when he bites you; he may find it fun and encourage the behaviour. It would be helpful if you were calm or leave for a while.
- Use products designed to help prevent dogs from chewing and licking stuff in the house.
Final Thoughts
Puppy biting and mouthing habit is a controllable behavior but can be extremely daunting if you lack the right skills and tips to employ.
To quickly curb this behaviour in your dog, it’s advisable to start earlier and use appropriate approaches. Avoid punishing and yelling at your dog when he bites you.
It’s best to ignore and leave him to learn and associate the lack of attention with his bad behavior.
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Hello. I’m Luke- the founder of WhippetCentral. I’m somewhat of a whippet nut and have been for most of my life. In that time, I’ve owned and raised numerous whippets. Bonnie is my latest girl; she is currently eight years old and keeps me very busy! Understanding the need for whippet-specific content, I decided to create this blog to share what I have learned and to share my expertise regarding owning and raising whippets – the right way!