Whippets are well-known for their willingness to delight their families and have a higher intelligence level than many other breeds, making them a very easy and fun dog breed to house train.
Some dog lovers claim that this type of dog breed is usually clean like cats, and if they’re whelped under a hygienic environment, probabilities are they’ll want to continue with the same habit even after joining new families.
Due to their short fur and light skin, it’s highly advised to avoid exposing them to harsh outdoor weather like the summer sun and freezing winter; hence electing house training as an essential method to housebreak a whippet.
So, are whippets easy to house train? Yes. This article will explore various methods and tips you can use to easily house train your whippet to be housebroken, potty-trained, and well-mannered.
What Age Should You Start House Training Your Whippet?
According to most animal experts, the best time to start house training a puppy is when they’re about 12-16 weeks old. At this stage, your dog has more control of his/her bowel movements and bladder.
Most whippet puppies can retain their urine for maximally two hours when they reach 3 months old. This is why 12 weeks is the most appropriate time to start training your dog to be clean. However, it’s best to start preparing him/her for this task as early as 8 weeks; of course, without teaching him/her to retain it.
Even so, you’ll require to be completely patient and consistent with your dog’s development to achieve desirable results in the end.
Essential Rules For Effective Whippet House Training
For puppy house training to work, there are some essential rules that you should consider. Some of these rules include;
- Having a puppy is every family member’s commitment, particularly for the first several days/weeks.
- Housebreaking/potty-training a pup isn’t a race; it takes time to create a good habit in a dog. Therefore, it’s crucial that you start training it to establish good behaviours and prevent mishaps early enough.
- You should understand the capabilities of your whippet and train it realistically, considering that you’re handling a young puppy.
- Dogs don’t understand the right and the wrong place to do their business; they’ll do it anywhere whenever they feel like it. It’s your work to communicate, train, and eliminate this behaviour in your dog.
- Puppies have a natural instinct of keeping their sleeping area clean, which is why potty-training them isn’t much of a hassle.
- Develop a food and water schedule for your dog and don’t give them food in between meals, this way, you’ll make your dog used to a specific routine; hence you’ll know what to expect, plan, and do at the right time.
- You shouldn’t train pups when angry because they’re highly receptive to their leaders’ moods. If you can’t concentrate, it’ll be hard for them too.
- Consider conducting training after exercise. Training dogs after they have been home alone for several hours might be difficult because they’re too excited to see you. It’s best to exercise them, for example, through walks of off-leash exercises to make them relaxed and willing to learn.
- Make the training sessions short, sweet, and fun since whippets get distracted and bored quickly.
- End the training at a higher note for your dog to be eager and hungry for more lessons to come.
Steps To Take To Potty-Train Your Whippet
If you’re wondering how are whippets easy to house train, the truth is it’s not that hard. It’s advisable to confine your whippet into a defined space, such as a crate, on leash, or room until he/she learns to go outside to relieve themselves.
During house training, you should avoid giving your dog food between their food schedules to ensure that they develop a consistent routine. It would be best to take him/her out to eliminate immediately they wake up in the morning.
After that, take him out at intervals of 30-60 minutes to eliminate too. This process is also crucial before bedtime, after every nap, and before you leave him alone. It’s vital that you take your whippet at the same specific place every time he wants to eliminate, and with time, his scent will prompt him to go to that particular place every time he wants to do his business.
Taking your whippet out to do his business after meals is crucial, especially if they’re still younger. With time, your lovely furry buddy will grow older and be able to control his bladder and get used to holding his bladder much longer.
Most puppies eat 3-4 meals daily when growing; therefore, it’s crucial to pay attention to this routine to prevent it from pooing all over the house or inside their crate.
Some of the signs that will help you know your puppy wants to eliminate include; barking, whining, sniffing, circling, wandering away from people, whimpering, scratching, or running towards the door. If you’ve confined your whippet and starts to bark or scratch the door, you should take him/her out immediately.

For this reason, it’s best to put your whippet crate next to your bedroom so that you can hear him whine or whimper in the morning or at night.
Using the same spot for his business will help him/her learn where they are supposed to relieve themselves. You should take your whippet outside on that spot, then stand quietly and give him some time to get ready.
Then give him a command to start, for example, ‘go potty,’ and wait until he finishes and when he goes, praise him lavishly, for example, tell him ‘good boy’ then give him a treat. After some time of doing this, your puppy will learn to do his business without needing help.
If you don’t prefer taking your dog outdoors to potty, you can use pups litter boxes or pads. Some dog owners usually put a bell on their door handles for their furry friends to signal them whenever they want to go out.
In case you don’t notice any progress in your puppy, you should take it to your veterinarian to check if it has a health or urinary tract issue/infection.
Potty-Training Do’s And Dont’s
During whippet house training, it’s crucial that keep in mind the following do’s and don’ts for the training to be practical and successful;
- Don’t ever punish your pup for doing his business inappropriately or just an accident. Doing this will only make the dog fear you instead of respecting you. Bonding with a puppy that fears you can be tricky too.
- If you get your dog eliminating in the wrong area, you can make him know that he’s doing an unacceptable act simply by clapping loudly, taking him to the right spot by calling his name, carrying him, or taking him by his collar.
- Stay with your dog outdoors longer. It can help minimize accidents and also gives him more time to socialize and explore.
- You should clean up elimination accidents using enzymatic dog cleansers instead of ammonia-based cleansers. By so doing, you’ll prevent our furry friend from getting attracted back to that spot.
- Don’t yell or react angrily if you find your dog did his business on the wrong spot and you didn’t find it on the act. Pups don’t have the intellectual ability to connect their mistakes with your anger.
Should I Use A Crate To Help With House Training
Crate training is one of the easiest and most effective ways to house train your puppy. It’s easier to watch for signs when they want to go out when they’re in a crate and help them learn to hold their bladders until you release them from the crate to eliminate outside.
Here are various aspects you should consider when using a crate to house train your whippet;
The Crate’s Space
The crate should be spacious enough for your puppy to turn around, stand, lie down, and move freely. However, it should be too big for him/her to use its corners as his elimination area.
Water Access
In case you’re planning to utilize the crate for not less than two hours, you should ensure your pup has access to fresh water. It’s preferable to attach a dispenser to your dog’s crate.
Break Period
If you’re using crate training and you suspect that you’ll not be home during the training time, you should ensure that you assign someone to give your dog a break during the day, particularly during the first eight months.
Know When To Use The Crate
If you notice your whippet has a habit of eliminating in his/her crate, you should avoid using it. It could be because the dog developed that habit while still in the store or home they used to live before, the crate is too big, he’s not used to going out more often, or young to hold his bladder and bowel movements.
Some Of The Benefits Of Crate Training
- Eases separation anxiety when your whippet is alone.
- Trains your dog to hold his/her bladder and bowel movement.
- Prevents the dog from eliminating inside the house
- It’s suitable for all dog ages
- Provides a pleasant and safe resting area for dogs.
- Eases dogs house training
- Eases dogs transportation, and more.
Check out our post on the best dog crates for whippets for some great recommendations.
Final Thoughts
House training whippets isn’t as hard as most people think. The warm nature, willingness, and intelligence associated with this dog breed simplifies the obedience and cleanness training process. One of the easiest and workable approaches to housebreak your whippet is by crate training; its effectiveness and benefits are diverse to both the dog and the owner.
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Hello. I’m Luke- the founder of WhippetCentral. I’m somewhat of a whippet nut and have been for most of my life. In that time, I’ve owned and raised numerous whippets. Bonnie is my latest girl; she is currently eight years old and keeps me very busy! Understanding the need for whippet-specific content, I decided to create this blog to share what I have learned and to share my expertise regarding owning and raising whippets – the right way!