When it comes to the size of whippets, it’s a topic of discussion that is very frequently asked.
Wait, whippets are small dogs, aren’t they? They’re only 30lbs! No way could they be considered medium or large.
Well, not always. Whippet size does vary from dog to dog and the dog’s parents play a big part in the overall size.
In this guide, we’re going to take a closer look at whippet size and answer all of the questions you’ve been wondering about.
Let’s get into it…
Male And Female Whippet Height
The average height of a whippet will firstly depend on their gender.
On average, males are slightly taller in height than females, but there are a lot of other variables that play a role.
The average height of a male whippet is 48 – 56cm.
The standard height for a male whippet is around 55cm. Which is actually rather small when compared to other dog breeds.
The average height of a female whippet is around 45 – 53cm.
Female whippets are usually a little smaller than males, but they are generally very close when comparing height and it’s often barely noticeable.
Male And Female Whippet Weight
The weight of a whippet will largely be determined by their height, as well as the diet they are being fed on as well as their exercise routine.
A whippet that isn’t being exercised regularly will likely be a lot heavier than a racing whippet that is in a strict routine.
The average weight of a male whippet is around 12 – 16kg.
A lot of whippet owners often weigh their whippets to ensure they are a healthy weight.
If a whippet is too thin or underweight, it’s likely that they will be very lethargic and aren’t getting all the nutrients they need.
The average weight of a female whippet is around 10 – 14kg.
Similar to the males, an overweight female will likely be lethargic and not as agile as a whippet that is kept to a healthy weight.
What is important to remember here, is that every whippet has their own unique shape and size.
Each dog is different and there is no perfect weight that every whippet should be.
Different breeds of dogs vary in size when fully grown and it’s the same when talking about whippets.
To work out how big or small your whippet is, you need to compare them to their breed standard, which is the information provided above.
Is A Whippet A Small Or Medium Dog?
As a whole, whippets are classed as a medium-sized dog breed – but what does this mean?
The American Kennel Club says that a medium canine is “proportionately as long as it is tall at the withers. In general, the length of the body is somewhat longer than the height.
Whippets are not as small as some other breeds such as chihuahuas or papillons, but they are not as large as something like a golden retriever or German shepherd.
This means they are perfect for those that are not really looking for a big dog but are not wanting the tiniest canine either.
Is A Whippet The Right Size For Me?
If you’re looking for a small dog breed, then the whippet is not the right one for you.
However, if you’d prefer to have a dog that can go from being a couch potato to being an active running partner, then the whippet is suitable.
It’s important to also consider the fact that whippets, although small, are active dogs that love to be outdoors and running.
This means if you’re looking for a designer dog that is incredibly small and doesn’t require much exercise, the whippet may not be for you.
How Big Do Whippets Get?
Some of the largest whippets can get up to 60cm tall and weigh as much as 70 pounds while the smallest whippets can get under 18 inches tall and weigh around 30 pounds.
Whippet size will vary on multiple different factors such as diet, genetics, exercise, and health.
Fully grown whippets are usually somewhere between 50 and 70 lbs.
If you’re looking to adopt a whippet, it’s important to consider that they will most likely not get much bigger than 40lbs – although there are cases of larger whippets in the 60s.
It’s also important to note that if you adopt a whippet as an adult, they may already be at their full size and will not continue to grow.
If you’re looking for a breed of dog that is longer than they are tall, then the whippet may not be for you.
Whippets aren’t very big dogs and this makes them a great dog for people who live in small houses or apartments.
They don’t eat like horses and won’t take up much space in your home either.
Can Whippets Get Fat?
Contrary to what many people believe, whippets can absolutely get fat, and it’s more common than you might think.
Obese whippets are incredibly sad to see and it’s often down to a lack of exercise and overfeeding.
This can take its toll on the whippet’s bones and joints and really cut their life expectancy down.
If you do have an obese whippet, it’s important that you get them on a strict diet and exercise plan to ensure they lose weight gradually.
It’s incredibly dangerous for whippets to be overweight as they are predisposed to a number of conditions, especially those affecting their lungs and heart.
Some whippets can be lazy and would much rather lounge in their bed all day, but as a responsible whippet owner, you must ensure they get a lot of exercise and start to lose this weight.
A healthy whippet should have two ribs showing, this is generally the rule of thumb to determine whether or not your whippet is overweight.
If your whippet doesn’t have any ribs showing then it’s a clear sign that he is overweight and something needs to be done to help them shed some fat.
How Do I Know If My Whippet Is Overweight?
As mentioned above, check to see if any of your whippet’s ribs are showing, there should be two which will indicate that your whippet is in good shape.
Another way to tell if your whippet is overweight is to simply feel their waist and see how fat it is.
Pinch with your two fingers, you will be able to see if there is a lot of fat or not, although this may not be the most accurate way, it’s effective as it is easy to do.
How Can I Help My Whippet Lose The Extra Weight?
It’s advised that you feed your whippet the right food the majority of the time because it has many benefits for your dog which include their fur being in top condition and them having a glossy coat.
If you do suspect your whippet is overweight, you should start to give him more exercise or reduce his calories.
You need to be very careful when doing this as many people increase the exercise and also decrease the food, which will only make your whippet lose weight too quickly and they could become ill.
Stick with the same amount of food you’re giving them for now but bump up their exercise to help them lose the extra chub.
At What Age Are Whippets Fully Grown?
A whippet is usually full-grown by the time they reach the age of two.
It is also possible for whippets to continue to grow until they are around three years old, depending on the size of the dog and how big it was when it was a puppy.
Once your whippet is fully grown they will likely still be small dogs, compared to other breeds anyway!
How To Measure Your Whippet
If you are curious about your whippet’s height and weight and want to measure them against the breed standard, this can be done by following some simple steps.
First, the weight of your dog is measured by putting it on a flat surface and using a set of scales.
They may find this a little strange at first but it’s good practice to measure your whippet every couple of months, especially as they are growing to ensure there are no underlying health issues you should be aware of.
When measuring the height of dogs, it usually goes from their feet to their shoulder (TTS).
You can do this with a tape measure or a piece of string and a ruler, ideally, you should place your whippet against a wall to make sure they don’t move.
Once done, simply measure how long the tape or string is from the floor up to their shoulder.
Other Considerations
It’s important to keep in mind that growth is dependant on a number of factors, so don’t worry if your whippet isn’t as big as it should be just yet.
Growth spurts in dogs are very common and often whippets won’t start to really see growth until they are around 6 months to 1 year old.
As well as this, there are some health issues that can lead to an unusually small or large whippet, if you are concerned with your pup’s size then it might be worth taking them to the vet.
When this happens, there is no real way of telling how long they will be until their growth plates close so it might be too late.
Vets will be able to identify a growth disorder, and if it is a severe case they will suggest a solution.
Give your whippet time to grow, many owners start to panic as their whippets look thin for the first year of their life.
However, they quickly grow into their body once they start maturing.
Diet and exercise will play a huge role in how big your whippet will be, you need to be sure you’re not underfeeding or overfeeding your whippet.
Many people struggle with this as they assume they are not overfeeding their whippet, but they are giving them a huge amount of exercise each day so the dog is burning all of the calories off.
Be aware that the more exercise your whippet gets, the more food they will need.
For example, if you have a whippet that is exercised for 3 hours/day they will probably need around 25% more food than another whippet that was only given 30 minutes of exercise.
Final Thoughts
As a whole, whippet size is dependant on a lot of different factors.
From where they are in the world, to who their parents are, whippet size is very diverse.
Whilst not every whippet will get to the upper ends of this size range, it gives you a guideline on what weight your whippet should be at depending on how tall they are.
If you find your whippet is looking too big to be the correct weight, he/she is probably within the healthy range.
But if you find your whippet is much smaller than expected for their age, or they are having problems gaining weight, take them to your vet as soon as possible.
It’s important to rule out any health conditions such as worms which could be playing a big role in why they are thin.
Hopefully, this post has helped you understand a little more about whippet size and you now know how to check your whippet’s weight against the breed standard.
If you want to know more about whippets, make sure to check out the rest of our blog!
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Hello. I’m Luke- the founder of WhippetCentral. I’m somewhat of a whippet nut and have been for most of my life. In that time, I’ve owned and raised numerous whippets. Bonnie is my latest girl; she is currently eight years old and keeps me very busy! Understanding the need for whippet-specific content, I decided to create this blog to share what I have learned and to share my expertise regarding owning and raising whippets – the right way!