In this post, we’re going to go over everything you need to know about whippet diabetes.
Whippet diabetes is the condition of having abnormally high levels of blood glucose and occurs when a whippet’s pancreas malfunctions or stops producing insulin.
When this happens, the body cannot metabolize sugar into energy for muscles and tissues to use as nourishment.
This leads to your whippet becoming lethargic, losing weight, and becoming dehydrated.
Are Whippets Prone To Diabetes?
No, whippets are not prone to diabetes. However, it does still occur from time to time.
Whippet diabetes is rather rare (about 1 in 70 whippets will be diagnosed) but it is also very deadly; without insulin injections, your whippet cannot survive more than about 3 days.
However, if you recognise the signs of whippet diabetes early then you can take action swiftly to help save your whippet’s life.
Causes Of Whippet Diabetes
There are many different causes for diabetes in whippets, but it’s usually a genetic fault that causes a whippet’s body to not produce enough insulin.
Instead of being able to freely use the glucose in its blood, your whippet’s body will have too much glucose and this leads to overproduction of ketones in the liver.
This is why many whippets with diabetes tend to be dehydrated and suffer from ketonuria.
Chronic pancreatitis is the cause of diabetes in over 28% of dogs, but the rest of the cases are usually caused by several genetic factors.
Symptoms of Whippet Diabetes:
There are some symptoms and signs of diabetes that your whippet will likely display if they have diabetes.
I’ve listed some of the most common below;
Excessive Urination
One of the most common signs of whippet diabetes is your dog urinating excessively.
This is because diabetes causes the excess glucose present in your dog’s blood to be passed as urine.
A whippet with diabetes may urinate very frequently, even going outside multiple times a night without you hearing them.
Excessive Thirst
Another common sign of diabetes in your whippet is excessive drinking.
If you find yourself having to top your dog’s water bowl up more than usual, then this could be a cause for concern.
This is also linked to the above symptom as they go hand in hand, if your whippet is urinating more then they are likely drinking more too.
Weight Loss
If your whippet starts to lose weight suddenly and rapidly, without any plans to change its normal diet, then this could be a sign of diabetes.
This is because the excess sugar in their body has been unable to process due to a lack of insulin.
Sudden Vision Loss
A whippet suddenly losing sight in one or both eyes is another common symptom of diabetes mellitus.
This happens because the sugar in their blood can cause a buildup of fluid within the eye which can lead to blindness.
If your whippet starts to lose its vision rapidly then it’s very important that you take it to the vets immediately.
If your whippet is disoriented and seems confused then he/she could be suffering from diabetes mellitus.
The lack of insulin means that the sugar cannot be processed into energy, therefore, starving the brain, which eventually leads to a loss of coordination.
Dizziness And Tiredness
Whippets that are constantly dizzy or seem completely exhausted could have diabetes mellitus, or they’ve become so weak from the lack of insulin that they can’t muster up the energy to move properly anymore.
This is a symptom of whippet diabetes that is often apparent in whippets and needs to be taken very seriously.
Threats To Your Whipepts Health
It’s incredibly important that if you suspect your whippet has diabetes you take them to the vets immediately.
Uncontrolled and undiagnosed diabetes can cause havoc on your whippet’s body, leading to terrible health problems, so it’s important you catch the illness before it gets hold of your dog.
Uncontrolled whippet diabetes can lead to blindness and deafness, kidney failure, or even death.
Whippets with diabetes are also more likely to suffer from other illnesses, such as pancreatitis.
Pancreatitis is a killer if left untreated, but whippets with diabetes have a much higher risk of getting pancreatitis, so you really need to get them treated as soon as possible.
Treatment For Whippet Diabetes
If you suspect that your whippet has diabetes, try not to worry because there is treatment out there that is incredibly effective.
Insulin injections are the most common treatment for diabetes in dogs.
Whippets usually need about one to four injections daily, with the number of injections depending on how severe their case is.
As mentioned earlier, this will vary depending on the severity.
The most important thing to be aware of is that nowadays, dogs can live perfectly normal lives with diabetes!
That’s right; whippets with diabetes can live happy, healthy lives if they get the right amount of insulin.
Just like humans, no matter what kind of diabetes it is, diabetic dogs need to take their medicine regularly and stick to a strict diet.
There are different types of insulin available on the market for diabetic dogs so it is important to talk to your vet to ensure you get the correct treatment for your pup.
There is also a wide range of other treatments available to help manage the disease, such as supplements and special diets.
The first thing anyone should do if they think their dog might have diabetes is take it to the vet for an accurate diagnosis.
This will ensure your whippets get diagnosed as quickly as possible and you start them on a treatment plan that is right for them.
Preventing Whippet Diabetes
When it comes to preventing diabetes in your whippet, the best thing you can do is ensure your pet is the ideal weight.
Overweight whippets often have a less healthy life expectancy and are more likely to get a whole range of diseases that can cause diabetes.
Whippets that barely eat enough for their daily energy needs have a higher risk of contracting the disease too.
Ensuring your whippet is fed on a high-quality, nutritious diet that meets their energy needs is another way to reduce the risk of diabetes.
You also need to make sure they get regular exercise and enough stimulation in their daily lives for them to be healthy and happy.
If your whippet is living a healthy lifestyle then you don’t need to worry about whippet diabetes.
Whippets that live an unhealthy lifestyle – poor diet, not enough exercise – will be at a higher risk of contracting whippet diabetes and other diseases.
Final Thoughts
As a whole, whippet diabetes is not very common.
It requires a lot of effort on your part to keep your whippet healthy and happy, but it will be worth the effort in the long run if it means they don’t have to deal with diabetes.
Remember that the risk of contracting the disease is lower for them living an active lifestyle with a high-quality diet!
Hopefully, this post has given you a good insight into whippet diabetes and you now know some of the symptoms, signs, and treatments for this illness.
Remember, your whippet needs exercise, a healthy diet, and mental stimulation to stay free of disease and illness.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post, feel free to share it with someone who may find it of value.
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Hello. I’m Luke- the founder of WhippetCentral. I’m somewhat of a whippet nut and have been for most of my life. In that time, I’ve owned and raised numerous whippets. Bonnie is my latest girl; she is currently eight years old and keeps me very busy! Understanding the need for whippet-specific content, I decided to create this blog to share what I have learned and to share my expertise regarding owning and raising whippets – the right way!